Article 1: Name

The name of the Association is Groundnut. The registered Address of the Association shall be at Kunkunjang Keitaya, Kombo North, West Coast Region of The Gambia. Groundnut is conscious of the need to contribute to nation building, appreciating the need to contribute individually and collectively to improve the quality of life, and being aware of the need to establish a viable community structure to promote greater participation and involvement of the entire community in the process, do formulate and adopt this constitution.

The association is a charitable, non-political, non-religious and non-profit making, with its main thrust being poverty alleviation.

Article 2: Aims and Objectives of the Association

The purpose of the Association is to provide the basic needs and necessary tools to the beneficiaries to develop income generating activities. It is envisaged that the beneficiary’s quality of life will eventually be improved if they are given direct and sustainable support towards their priority activities which includes but not limited to the following:

To engage in the activities of providing education resources to schools thereby contributing to the educational development of the country;

To promote understanding, respect for diversity, and tolerance and peaceful co-existence among people so as to advance socio-economic development and peace in the country;

To mobilize internal and external resource for the development of the Association through fund raising, receiving grants and donations; apply funds to carry out the work of the Association; co-operate with and support other Associations with similar purpose and do anything which is lawful and necessary to achieve these purposes for the communities and the country at large;

To provide support to orphans and needy children with basic facilities healthcare, access to free drugs and preventing infant mortality;

To increase awareness of global environmental crisis, conservation and suitable development;

To sponsor schools and their teachers;

To finance digging of wells and drilling of bore holes in poor Communities;

To Help women by giving maternal healthcare at times of Pregnancy and delivery.

During disasters to help affected families and communities in terms of their needs;

To provide place for gardening for the people of various communities as well as quality education for both children and adults; and

To minimize poverty among the members through the creation of vegetable garden, poultry, animal husbandry, access to basic education, clothing, housing and other basic amenities and facilities to live a decent life for all citizens of The Gambia.

Article 3: Contribution/Donations

Contributions are drawn from people of the communities of The Republic of the Gambia, the Diaspora and any others who support the work of the Association, through voluntary donations and may be categorized as follows:

(a). Silver: for contributions of less than Euro 200 per project;

(b). Gold: for contribution between Euro 201 and EURO 500 per project;

(c). Diamond: for contribution over 500 euro per project.

Article 4: Membership

(a). Membership is drawn from people of the communities of The Republic of the Gambia and the Diaspora and others who support the activities of the Association. And they should be adults; and

(b). Once accepted by the Executive Committee, membership shall last for three years and may be renewed.

Article 5: Termination of Membership

The Annual General Meeting upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee can terminate membership if: -

(a) He /She fails to uphold the provisions of the Association's Constitution;

(b). He/She fails to attend the meetings of the Association's for a period of one year without giving satisfactory explanation to the Executive Secretary of the Association;

(c). In the opinion of the Executive Committee, his/her conduct is inconsistent with the principles, aims and objectives for which the n Association is established;

(d). Any member who is convicted of a criminal offence in a recognition court will automatically loose his/her membership; and

(e). Any member who ceases to be member has no right to claim on the assets or benefit from the Association.

Article 6: Annual General Meetings – (AGM)

The AGM must be held every year, with fourteen days’ notice given to all members notifying them of the agenda and minutes which must be kept by the AGM;

(b). There must be at least ten members present at the AGM;

(c). Every member has one vote;

(d). The Executive Committee shall present the annual report and accounts; and Any member may stand for election as a member of the Executive Committee.

 Article 7: Voting

Voting at the general meeting shall be by show of hands and simple majority shall resolve all matters discussed at the meeting in the case of a tie (Equal votes on each side) the chairperson of the Annual General Meeting shall have a deliberating casting vote.

Article 8: Quorum

(a). The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall not be less than half of the general membership of the Association; and

(b). Decisions taken by a meeting held without a quorum shall be invalid.

Article 8: Administration and Functions of the Executive Committee Members

The Executive committee must hold at least three meetings each year. At least three Executive Committee members of the Association must be present at the meeting to be able to take decisions. Minutes shall be kept for every meeting. If the Executive Committee of the Association has a conflict of interest, they must declare it and leave the meeting while this matter is being discussed or decided upon. During the year, the Executive Committee may appoint up to two additional members to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may make reasonable rules to help run the Association. These rules must not conflict with the constitution. The functions include but not limited to the following:

To take care of the day to day affairs of the Association;

To enforce the constitution of the Association;

To carry out the policies and program of the Association as laid down by the general meeting;

To initiate and undertake all such activities as may strengthen the aims and objectives of the Association;

To deal with all matters affecting the interest and welfare of the Association;

To direct and give instructions to all officers of the Association with regards to the conduct of business of the Association; raise funds, receive grants and donations; apply funds to carry out the work of the charity; co-operate with and support other charities with similar purposes; and do anything which is lawful and necessary to achieve the purposes

Article 9: Chairperson

The Chairperson shall be responsible for calling both general meetings and Executive Committee meetings;

He/She will represent the Association in negotiations on its behalf together with the Executive Secretary and will control proceedings of the Association and Executive Committee meetings, and will serve as a focal point for extension workers and visitors to the Association; and

In the absent of the Chairperson the Vice Chairperson takes over.

Article 10: Executive Secretary

The Executive Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence between the Association and other institution, Organizations, and bodies either outgoing or incomings mails. He/she may be assisted by other Executive Board members needed and on demand;

The recording and keeping of minutes of all Executive Committee and Annual General Meeting of the Association; and

(c). Drawing up of the agenda and notice of all such meetings and other programs connected with the Association in consultation with the Chairperson.

Article 11: Financial Controller (Treasurer)

The treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of subscriptions and the safe keeping of the funds of the Association;

To ensure that all income of the Association is deposited in a bank and submit regular report on the financial status of the Association.

Article 12: Minutes

Minutes of the proceedings of any meeting of the Association and every meeting of the Executive Committee shall be recorded and sign by the Chairperson of such meeting. The minutes, when recorded and sign shall be received as evidence of such proceedings without further proof in all meetings and proceedings of the Association.

Article 13: Amendments of the Constitution

(a). All amendments to the Constitution shall be subject to approval at least 2/3 two third majority of the members present at the Annual General Meeting of the Association; and

(b). No resolution or motion for the alteration or amendments of the constitution shall be discussed at a general meeting unless notice of the propose resolution, motion stating the nature of the alterations or amendment, is submitted to the secretary general not later than seven (7) days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.

Article 14: Dissolution

(a). The Association shall be dissolved if 2/3 two third of the members file a motion of dissolution, which shall be brought before an Annual General Meeting called for that purpose within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the motion by the chair, and provided % three quarter of the general members vote In favour of the dissolution, the decision shall be carried;

(b). In the event of the Association being dissolved as provided above, all debt and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Association shall be fully discharge and the remaining funds if any should be given to an organization which is doing similar thing as that of Groundnut;

(c). Where the existing assets cannot meet the existing liabilities at the time of the dissolution, all member remain liable to settle such liabilities;

(d). The members of the Executive Committee and other acting officers of the Association acting in relation to any affairs of the Association and their respective Executive shall be indemnified against any liability incurred by the discharge of their duty.

Article 15: Arbitration

An Appeal Board comprising a representative of the Executive and four other members from the general membership shall be constituted at an Annual General Meeting. Apart from the representative of the Executive Committee any other member shall be elected to chair such Board. The complainant shall have a member of his/her choice to represent him/her at the Board in pursuance of his/her petition. The decision of the Board shall be final and binding on all parties,

Article 16: Binding Clause

This constitution is binding on all the members of this Association and going against its provisions shall warrant the termination of the membership of such a member automatically.

The Executive Committee

  • Sana Foday Kebba Jatta, Chairperson
  • Susan E. Jones, Vice Chairperson
  • Yasmina Barka, Executive Secretary
  • Alessandra Nigri, Treasurer
  • Mary Heys, Executive Member
  • Sabel Ndure, Executive Member